[1] Cf. Schoppmeyer, Heinrich: Aspekte zur älteren Geschichte von Neuhaus (Studien und Quellen zur Geschichte von Stadt und Schloss Neuhaus, Bd. 2), Schloß Neuhaus 2009, p. 7-23, here p. 7f.
[2] Cf. Ortschronik of 1797, EAB Pb, AV Acta 88, fol. 56r-59r.
[3] On the use of the „calcareous Pader water“ for brewing beer in the early 17th century, cf. Detten, Wirtschaftsleben, p. 56.
[4] In detail: Original cadastre of the municipality of Neuhaus (1832): „Bäckerei“, no. 256: house, Bartholomeus Zurlage (Flur V, Parz. 85 and 89); „Kornmühle“, no. 15 , Heinrich Bodenstab (Flur V, Parz. 13); „Färberei“, No. 160: Heinrich Münder (Flur V, Parz. 14 and 15), LA Detmold, M 5 C, No. 1469/70. Mutterrolle (1867): „Metzgerei“, No. 698: Konrad Thombansen (Flur V, Parz. 90); „Kornmühle“, No. 504: Friedrich Müller (Flur V, Parz. 15); „Lohgerberei“, No. 477: Joseph and Fritz Menneke (Flur V, Parz. 26-28), LA Detmold, M 5 C, No. 5371/72. In 1877 a gold treasure was found during cleaning work in the Pader at the house of „Lohgerber Joseph Menneken“. Cf. Wurm, Neuhaus, p. 84.
[5] Vgl. § 13, LA Detmold, M1 III E, Nr. 151, p. 74.
[6] The two basket makers Hermann Josephs and Heinrich Brockhoff from Etteln are named as buyers for February 1933. Heinrich Brockhoff bought the rods from the town for 2 Reichsmark. StadtA Pb, A 4152, unfol. The motivation for the sale of willow rods can also be seen in a municipal letter dated 26 October 1935: „The sale will save wages for municipal workers.“ Ibid.
[7] Cf. Brüggemann, Conrad: Der Quellenreichtum und die Wassernot Paderborns, in: Die Warte 9/ Hft. 6 (1941), p. 47-48.