
Here you can find out everything about Germany's shortest river - the Pader. Despite the short length of the river, there is a wealth of interesting facts about its history and ecosystem. If you haven't yet had the pleasure of a walk along the Pader, we'll be happy to take you on a virtual tour!

Bildnachweis: Stadtarchiv Paderborn TK248305

Videonachweis: NZO, Urbane Wasserlandschaft, YouTube

Internationales Jahr von Höhlen und Karst 2021

Das Jahr 2021 wurde von der Internationalen Vereinigung für Höhlenforschung (UIS) ausgerufen, um u.a. auf die Bedeutung von Höhlen und Karst für das Wasser, die Landwirtschaft, den Tourismus und dem Kultur-/ Naturerbe aufmerksam zu machen. Auch die Pader verdankt Ihren Wasserreichtum dem Karstgebiet unterhalb der Paderborner Hochfläche. Welche Bedeutung Karst für die Pader genau hat und wie man dies vor Ort erfahren kann, sehen Sie unten.

"Help yourself to this work, dear reader, and if something does not bear the mark of perfection and accuracy, which I freely and sincerely confess; then know that this work, among the more serious concerns for the common good, has been brought to light by the author more unnoticed, in the off hours, than after a deeply thought-out manner of presentation. Should shadows appear here and there, or should some things be less clearly explained, then everyone will easily, according to his own insight, shed the necessary light on this, if one can only look at what we present with a reasonably friendly eye. Farewell."
Ferdinand von Fürstenberg
Ferdinand von Fürstenberg (1626-1683)
Monumenta Paderbornensia

Bildnachweis: Neuhaus, Walkmühle vor 1926 (Stadt- und KreisA Pb, Repro einer Ansichtskarte,S-M4, Altertumsverein Paderborn)

Encyclopaedia Paderpedia

Would you like to find out more about the exciting and eventful history of the Pader and its landscape development? Then you can visit the overview pages on cultural and economic history and on the history of the landscape.

What is "Paderpedia"?

The online portal Paderpedia aims to bring together everything worth knowing about Germany’s shortest river. It is intended to serve as a digital starting point for a more intensive study of the history or ecology of the Pader, whereby you can become active yourself. We not only present essays by professional historians and biologists, but also want to give every other Pader enthusiast the opportunity to have their say.

How can you get involved?

Paderpedia is not an outwardly closed scientific project, but also asks for your cooperation as a knowledgeable citizen, so that the traditional knowledge about the Pader can be recorded and preserved as comprehensively as possible for posterity.

Contact form

Please feel free to send us your articles about the Pader!

Source and literature database

A comprehensive list of sources and literature to help you with your own research.

Materialien für Schüler

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